The IPL 2025 mega auction was held over two days in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with all 10 teams competing to build their squads. Watch the IPL 2025 auction live on Star Sports Network in India or stream it for free on JioCinema. UK viewers can access it via Sky Sports, with other regions covered by their local broadcasters for seamless global coverage.
How to Watch the IPL Mini-auction Live Streaming for Free?
The IPL auction heats up and Catch players battle for their chance to shine as franchises spend their remaining crores. Follow the action live on Star Sports (India) & Jio Cinema. What is your favorite player who has submitted his name in the auction?
Where to Watch the PL Auction 2025 Live Stream?
You can watch the Indian Premier League (IPL) auction live on the Jio Cinema App.
Star Sports networks will also broadcast the auction transmission and the Star Sports Network is India’s official broadcaster of the IPL.
How to Get Free Online Live Streaming of IPL Auction?
Different platforms will air and live stream the IPL Mini Auction for fans to watch on their TVs and other digital devices. JioCinema will show the Mini Auction live thanks to Viacom18, which previously secured the IPL’s streaming rights. Additionally, all fans would be able to access it for free.
You can also follow for the most updated auction results.
Roy Tipu is a cricket enthusiast and one of the founders of Crickist, a website that covers the latest news, analysis, and opinions on cricket. He is passionate about the sport and has been following it since his childhood. He has played cricket at various levels, from school to club, and has a wealth of personal experience and knowledge on the game.
As the content manager of Crickist, Roy Tipu oversees all aspects of content creation and distribution. He plans, executes, and monitors the content strategy and social media presence of the website. He also writes articles, reviews, and editorials on various topics related to cricket, such as players, teams, tournaments, records, and controversies. He is known for his insightful and engaging style of writing, which attracts and retains a loyal audience of cricket fans.
Roy Tipu has a degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of Punjab. He has also completed several courses and certifications on digital marketing, SEO, and content writing. He has worked as a freelance writer and editor for several cricket websites and magazines before launching Crickist with his partners in 2022.
Roy Tipu is based in Lahore, Pakistan, where he lives with his wife and two children. He enjoys watching and playing cricket, reading books, and traveling in his spare time. He is also active on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, where he shares his views and interacts with his followers.